Patra or Susan
You're back AGAIN? Come in and get your booty groove on with the Sisdels...

Sisdels Groove has had many new developments. We know you're interested in hearing them all....tough! We'll keep you informed on a need-to-know basis.
The major change has been the permanent loss of our dear friend Marsha (aka Dafnee). No, she is not dead...just getting married (which some would argue is one and the same).
We have so much to tell you all...we've been on numerous road trips, including our two week stint with Levi's Fuse '99. So, read on, good friend, read on!(don't get mislead into thinking we like you or anything,though!)

Oh, one more thing...the beautiful photo you see below is the band Smithwick Machine. We were able to catch them at the Carolina Musicfest. They're a great band so go see them-'cause Sisdels Groove says so!
